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Brian W. Schreyer, NJ/NY Attorney

Partner, Schreyer Law Firm LLC
Brian Schreyer

Experienced in:

  • Civil Litigation
  • Divorce & Family Law
  • Municipal Law
  • Personal Injury
  • Drug Court
  • Juvenile Court
  • Trials
  • Pre-indictment Conferencing
  • Appelate Review

Served in the Appellate, Drug Court, Juvenile, and Pre-Indictment Sections. Prosecuted criminal cases on behalf of the State, including drug offenses, assaults, and robberies.


Represented the State in opposition to petitions seeking post-conviction relief, direct appeals before the Appellate Division, and municipal appeals. Drafted appellate briefs and presented oral argument on various issues including motions to vacate guilty pleas, ineffective assistant of counsel, immigration matters, and DWI offenses.


Appeared on behalf of the State in the adjudication of juvenile cases, including discovery, motions, bench trials, placement of juvenile offenders in rehabilitation programs, and violations of probation.

Drug Court

Sentenced eligible defendants’ to the special probation drug court program. Represented the Prosecutor’s Office in collaboration with court staff, probation officers, and drug counselors in comprehensive weekly drug court monitoring, violations of probation, and appeals.


Reviewed adult criminal files and prepared plea settlement offers for pre-indictment resolution. Appeared in Pre-Indictment Court for negotiations with defense counsel, pleas, and sentencing.

Job Experience

Assistant Prosecutor, Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office, Jersey City, NJ 2012-2015

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, New York, NY
Litigation Associate, September 2006 – January 2010; Summer 2005

Representations included white-collar criminal litigation, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigations, intellectual property litigation, and complex commercial litigation.

  • White-Collar Criminal Litigation: Prepared defense for trial on an alleged fraudulent transaction in the reinsurance industry.
  • FCPA investigations in the oil industry.
  • Intellectual Property Litigation: Represented plaintiffs in the computer hardware industry in preparation for trial on violation of trade secrets.
  • Pro bono: Represented client in tenancy proceedings before the New York City Housing Authority and in proceedings for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS).

Hon. Ann Aldrich, US District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Cleveland, OH
Federal Judicial Extern, Summer 2004

Bar Admissions
  • New York, 2007
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of New York, 2008
  • New Jersey, 2010
  • U.S. District Court District of New Jersey, 2010
Professional Memberships
  • New Jersey Bar Association
  • Bergen County Bar Association
  • Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, OH
    • Juris Doctor, cum laude, May 2006
    • Articles Editor, Case Western Reserve University Law Review
    • Dean’s Honor List
    • CALI Awards for Excellence in Criminal Law and Environmental Law
    • GW Munich Intellectual Property Law Program, 2004
  • Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
    • B.A., Environmental Economics with Honors, May 2003
    • Dean’s Award for Academics Excellence

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