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Over 40 Years of Experience

At Schreyer Law Firm LLC, we take cases that we believe in.
We are open for business and are available for remote consultation.

Proudly Serving Northern New Jersey for Over 40 Years

From our office located in Westwood, NJ, or law firm has been representing clients for over 40 years in all of Northern New Jersey counties and Metropolitan New York area. We provide personal and individualized attention to every case we take and offer cost-effective solutions for people who are caught up in serious legal situations.

Walter K. Schreyer

Walter K. Schreyer, Esq.

Our experienced legal team is led by Walter K. Schreyer, Esq., a Westwood lawyer with more than 40 years of experience resolving legal matters of all types. His background includes service as a State Deputy Attorney General and Assistant Hudson County Prosecutor in New Jersey, and as working as a State Public Defender in New Jersey, and as a Municipal Public Defender in Norwood, New Jersey. Read Walter K. Schreyer Profile to learn more.

Brian Schreyer

Brian W. Schreyer, Esq.

Brian W. Schreyer, a partner in the office, brings extensive experience in civil litigation having worked for a prestigious law firm in New York City. He has also served as an Assistant Prosecutor in Hudson County, New Jersey and has extensive knowledge in criminal law and court procedure. Read Brian W. Schreyer Profile to learn more.

Walter and Brian

Why Choose Us

At the Schreyer Law Firm LLC, we provide personalized attention to every case we take. Because we believe in the cases we take, we are willing to fight to make every case a success.

We pride ourselves on the reputation we have built up over the last 40 years.

  • Free Initial Consultations
  • Achieving Favorable Outcomes for 40 Years
  • Affordable, Quality Representation
  • Aggressive Criminal & DUI Defense
  • Extensive Litigation Experience

Call Today For a Free Initial Consultation.

Schreyer Law Firm LLC

189 Kinderkamack Rd
Westwood, NJ 07675

Phone: 201-664-0701

Fax: 201-664-8638

Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: By Appointment